2019. szeptember 5., 15:58 Index In English Hide the Pain Harold aka. András Arató: The living meme Meet the retired electronic engineer from Hungary who achieved international celebrity status because of an innocent stock photo session.
2019. június 28., 17:18 Index In English Why is there government propaganda at a music festival? Every 7-8 minutes in between acts, a young, stubbled Viktor Orbán is talking about the withdrawal of Soviet troops at Volt Festival. Why?
2019. május 10., 15:51 Index In English Hungarian government set on creating "cultural power centre" The government plans to turn a Budapest literary museum into a cultural power centre meant to protect European and Hungarian Christian culture.
2019. február 26., 20:08 Index In English "Orbán is smarter than Trump" - Interview with Bernard-Henri Lévy Europe's future is now hinged upon Viktor Orbán, says Lévy, one of France's most influential political activists, philosophers and writers.
2018. november 21., 17:24 Index In English Ruben Brandt leaves you at loss for words Index reviewed the latest Oscar-nominated Hungarian movie.