20 találat az Indexről, és a környékéről.

An unlikely demonstration: Fidesz protested against racism and discrimination
Opposition mayor's remarks about "white, christian, heterosexual men" sparked fury amongst supporters of Hungary's right-wing governing party.

Thousands protested Erdoğans visit in Budapest, Hungarian opposition shares their outrage
Budapest descended into hours of turmoil on Thursday due to closures because of Erdogan's motorcade and the accompanying protests.

Climate Strike Budapest: Thousands take to the streets to demand steps to avoid an ecological disaster
Ten Hungarian towns participated in the second global event. Protesters want to raise awareness of climate change and demand immediate action.

Hungarian propaganda machine continues onslaught against high school student
After George Soros, the migrants, and Jean-Claude Juncker, the next target of Fidesz's propaganda media was a high school girl from the countryside.

Demonstrations and roadblocks all over Hungary
Saturday afternoon, the series of demonstrations against the Overtime Act continued in Budapest and numerous countryside locations.

Hungarian protests call for general strike and a regime change
The wave of anti-government demonstrations in Hungary resumed this weekend with heated speeches and cold temperatures.

Leaked footage shows Hungarian MP assaulted by state media security staff
The security guards took the MP to the ground, twisted his legs, kneeled on him and tried to kick his phone away.

Hungarian protests roll into the new year
Hungarians will protest the government once more this Saturday - Index is here to fill you in on the details.

Thousands protest at Hungary's President of the Republic's residence days before Christmas
Once again, several thousand people protested Hungary's government in Budapest on Friday night after the Overtime Act was signed into effect.

Protests in Hungary against Orbán's government continue on Friday - Here is what happened so far
Index recaps the events of the week as protests against the Overtime Act, the administrative courts, and Fidesz's media are set to continue on Friday

Thousands marching against Orbán's government in Budapest on Friday night
The third consecutive night of protests against Orbán's overtime act and minister-controlled courts saw thousands take to the streets again.

Protester's Tour Guide to Budapest
Do you have no idea where protesters are, where they are going, and how they are getting there? Index in English is here to help you out.

Opposition MPs took over Parliament's podium
Opposition MPs protested the Overtime Act, which the Parliament passed later, along with a law creating Minister-controlled administrative courts.

Why are students occupying Kossuth Square?
Students and professors are protesting with free lectures and debates at the square in front of Parliament in Budapest. Index explains why.

Proposed legislation would ban protests at Hungarian state ceremonies
The Deputy PM would exclude locations of state ceremonies from the definition of public spaces, making it impossible to legally hold protests there.