2019. december 5., 15:54 Index In English Fidesz MEP issues apology after claiming Spain holds political prisoners József Szájer mentioned political prisoners in Spain as an example for the double standards on rule of law that are employed against Hungary.
2019. november 20., 11:26 Index In English "Under no circumstances" would Hungary agree to tie EU funds to rule of law criteria Minister of Justice Judit Varga says there are already mechanisms that protect the financial interests of the European Union.
2019. november 4., 13:55 Index In English Hungarian government scraps concept of separate administrative courts After the new court system's introduction was indefinitely postponed in June, the government now decided to scrap the idea for good.
2019. október 25., 17:04 Index In English Speaker of the Parliament: Forget checks and balances, they are dumb László Kövér unleashed his peculiar mind on a number of issues including the rule of law, the Kurds, Budapest, and smartphones.
2019. július 10., 12:14 Index In English László Kövér admits: Administrative courts not off the table The motivation behind the government's move to postpone judicial reform seems to have been only to play their international partners.
2019. február 4., 14:58 Index In English Hungarian government refuses to meet Dutch rule-of-law delegation: "Netherlands is not a supervisory body to Hungary" "We are a more than thousand-year-old nation," the Foreign Minister explained why they refused to meet the Dutch delegation to talk about Article 7.