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Percről percre Hungary commemorates the 1848 revolution - live coverage in English

Today is Hungary's national holiday commemorating the 1848revolution against the Habsburg empire. Politically speaking, it is always a busy day and this year will be no different, Budapest will be full of speeches, protests and other events all throughout the day, follow Index's live coverage in English and don't miss anything.
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  • Viktor Orbán said Europe will be lost without Christian culture, and Europe would lose its liberties under liberalism. Without protecting Christian culture, Europe would no longer belong to Europeans. A European is only happy if they can decide about their own fate, that is why Hungary's Fundamental Law acknowledges the nation-preserving role of Christianity.

    Talking about the EP elections, he said:

    "We have to end the crazy dreams of a United States of Europe."

    Orbán said Hungary has stopped the "migrant invasion" at Europe's southern borders, and he wants to see "strong leaders at Europe's helm who take help to where it's needed instead of bringing problems over here." Hungarians want simple things according to Orbán: their own house, a good neighbour, a partner who understands them, and a fruitful job that has purpose.

    He ended his speech with his new, Bolsonaro-inspired catchphrase:

    "Hungary first, God above all."

  • After lauding Poland, he continued: "Our story of suffering through the XX. century is common," and now Hungary and Poland is preparing to rise together in what Orbán described as a "Central-European renaissance."

    "When Brussels attacks Poland, they are attacking Hungarians as well."

    He said those building empires always had to account for the friendship of Poland and Hungary. He said Hungarians are saying no to subjugation every year on the 15th of March.

  • He welcomed the Polish and said that the friendship amongst Poland and Hungary is so strong that it might just seem like a romantic notion in European politics.

    "But for us, life is a great romantic adventure that is worth nothing without true friends."

    He said all those who want to build empires have to calculate with the power Hungary and Poland represents.

  • Moriawiecki reminded the crowd about how Polish soldiers took part in Hungary's freedom fight, and said after 171 years Hungary and Poland are once again on the same side, the side of equality and justice, fighting for a better Europe.

    Morawiecki said as earlier, "the Hungarian and Polish eagles had lead us to a better truth," and that is what we're approaching now. "Help will arrive from the heavens," he said before finishing his speech. Orbán is up next.

  • The Polish Prime Minister speaks using an interpreter. He said thanks for the invitation and he reminded the crowd about the thousand years of friendship between Poland and Hungary, listing historic examples of cooperation and solidarity.

  • At their 15 March press conference, LMP's co-presidents said the heroes of 1848 give an example to follow in times like these when Hungary's liberty and independence are under threat once again. 

    Lóránt László Keresztes said Hungarians cannot withstand the influence of foreign powers, and they can no longer take that their liberties are being trampled upon.

    The policies of a traitor government that disguised itself as nationalistic are leading to stronger foreign influence - especially Russian influence.

    He reminded journalists that the 1848 revolution gave rise to Hungary's first national government, responsible only to the nation and not to any foreign powers. He said today's goals cannot be any less than that: creating a national government that actually serves the interests of the Hungarian people.

    Márta Demeter said that the 12 demands of the 1848 revolution are still worth fighting for, because freedom of the press and equality before the law are still under attack, the National Bank is not independent, and the Parliament does not represent national interest. She stated that Hungary's security and sovereignty have to be created once again, and the "thiefs robbing and betraying the nation" have to be removed from power. She added that these days Hungarians have to fight against "autocracy, obvious betrayal, the burning up of Hungary's future, and stupidity."

  • Hungary's National Anthem signalled the beginning of the official state ceremony where Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán and his Polish Colleague are set to address the crowd at 11:00 AM. 

    The ceremony was directed by the National Theatre's general director, Attila Vidnyánszky.

    In the meantime, security personnel removed two people from the crowd. According to the security guards, they loudly insulted the arriving polish guests, but others said the two mainly yelled at the security, calling them "dogs of Orbán."

  • Our colleague on location has reported that the crowd waiting for Orbán completely fills Museum Circuit from Kálvin Square to Bródy Sándor street. He said there are at least that many Polish flags as there are Hungarians.

    Watch the crowd gather on our Facebook live stream:

  • Orbán's Polish sympathisers are returning guests of his 15th of March speeches, and this year is no different.

  • As three central bridges of Budapest will be rendered practically useless by road closures near or on them, we would advise that if you go anywhere in the downtown area, leave your car at home. 

    Road closures:

    • 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM: The road leading to Erzsébet bridge will be closed, just like the bridge itself.
    • 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM: Március 15-e and Petőfi squares.
    • 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM: Henszlmann Imre street, Magyar Street, Kossuth Lajos street, and Szabad Sajtó road
    • 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM: Semmelweis street, Vitkovics street and Kossuth Lajos street
    • 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM: Gellért Square, Liberty Bridge, and Vámház circuit.
  • Today is Hungary's national holiday commemorating the 1848 revolution against the Habsburg empire. Politically speaking, it is always a busy day and this year will be no different, Budapest will be full of speeches, protests and other events all throughout the day, here they are in order:

    • 9:00 AM: Hoisting of the flag on Kossuth square
    • 9:30 AM: March of the Hussars starting from Kossuth square. The hussars will ride from the Parliament to the National Museum through Bajcsy-Zsilinszky road, Deák Ferenc square, and Astoria.
    • 10:30 AM: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is scheduled to speak in the garden of the National Museum. His Polish colleague, Mateusz Morawiecki is set to appear as well.
    • 1:00 PM: Democratic Coalition's (DK) event at Egyetem Square where DK's president and former prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány will talk.
    • 3:00 PM: Two events are set to take place at this time rather close to each other. A protest where all opposition parties will be representing themselves will be held on Szabad Sajtó road, which is basically the Pest side of Erzsébet bridge.

      Right next to the bridge, on Március 15-e Square, sympathisers of Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Country Movement), the party formed by the radicals leaving Jobbik will meet to listen to party leader László Toroczkai speak at the same time.
    • 4:00 PM: LMP will hold its 15 March commemoration at the Buda side of Liberty bridge, where provocative media personality, and lately LMP's candidate to be mayor of Budapest Róbert Puzsér is on the list of speakers.

    There will be non-political events too: The Buda Castle is having family programs all throughout the day with live music, folk dancing, an artisan fair, and even a "dog market" where visitors get a chance to adopt dogs from Hungarian breeds. The National Museum's Garden will be taken over by families as well after Orbán finishes his speech: there will be live music and an artisan fair as well, dance classes and arts and crafts for children.
