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Boat crash on the Danube: New video shows cruiser Sigyn stopping and backing up after collision

2019. június 1., szombat 14:58

A new video of Wednesday's tragic boat accident just surfaced on the Internet. The footage shows how river cruiser Viking Sigyn caught up to the sightseeing boat Hableány and hit the smaller vessel under Margit bridge. The video makes it apparent that the Sigyn immediately stopped after the collision and seemingly backed up to the place of the accident before proceeding to moor at the quay near the bridge. Another Viking river cruiser, Ingvi, also passed through the scene of the collision right after Sigyn.

 The accident which left seven injured and claimed seven lives so far with 21 people still missing happened at 9:05 PM on Wednesday night on the Danube in Budapest. There were 31 tourists and 2 tour guides (all from South Korea) onboard the sightseeing boat along with Hableány's two-member Hungarian crew. Police are investigating the accident and have already interrogated Sigyn's captain as a suspect. Search and rescue operations are still underway involving Austrian and South Korean expert divers, however, the wreckage of Hableány is still inaccessible due to the strong currents of the flooding Danube.

For more details on the accident, read our summary from  yesterday :
