Index Vakbarát Hírportál

Coronavirus: Austria closes several border crossings to Hungary

2020. március 13., péntek 16:23

Due to the global coronavirus outbreak, Austria closed several border crossings to Hungary by Friday morning, Hungarian state newswire MTI reported based on information from Austrian news agency APA.

The border crossings that remain open to international traffic:

Hungarian and Austrian citizens will still be allowed to cross the border at the following points:

All other crossing points on the border between Hungary and Austria are closed towards Hungary until further notice.

Earlier, Hungary has temporarily reinstated checks on its Austrian and Slovenian borders and banned entry for foreign nationals arriving from Italy, China, South Korea, and Iran, while Hungarians arriving from these countries will be ordered to spend two weeks in quarantine in their homes. Quarantine orders can be enforced by the police.

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The coronavirus situation in Hungary

According to the latest update (10:05 AM) of the government coronavirus website,


Confirmed cases in Hungary until now:

Hungary declared a state of emergency on Wednesday, and reintroduced border checks on the Austrian and Slovenian border, banned entry into Hungary from Italy, Iran, China, and South Korea, shut down universities, and banned all large public events.

Hospitals in Hungary no longer accept visitors as of Sunday, schools are advised to postpone class trips, doctors and medical staff are requested not to travel abroad. On Monday, the government has allocated more than 8 billion Forints (~€24 million) for the coronavirus response. The Hungarian Medical Chamber complained that the government does not provide doctors with sufficient protective gear. On Thursday, it was found that doctors wore no protective gear as they treated an undiagnosed coronavirus patient for days at the Szent János Hospital in Budapest. Earlier, she was denied testing as the DPC ruled out COVID-19 upon initial questioning.

During his interview on public radio on Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said "foreigners dragged this disease into the country," and previously, he told European leaders during a teleconference that "there is an obvious link between the coronavirus and illegal immigration." Earlier, the government suspended access to the transit zones on the southern border where asylum-seekers could apply for refugee status.

The first Hungarian citizen to contract Covid-19 was a man who worked on the cruise ship Diamond Princess was confirmed to have the disease at the end of February and was treated in Japan. He reportedly recovered, testing negative on Thursday.

(Cover photo: Csaba Krizsán / MTI)
