Index Vakbarát Hírportál

Hungarian Chief Medical Officer extends entry ban

2020. március 27., péntek 13:02

Hungarian Chief Medical Officer Cecília Müller issued a normative order on Thursday night containing provisions concerning the entry ban, university closures, and a humanitarian corridor for transit passengers. The normative decision mostly serves to replace expiring government decrees, but there are some minor changes.

The document bans all trains, buses, and civilian aircraft in passenger traffic from entering Hungary, with the exception of aircraft flying through Hungarian airspace without landing.

All non-Hungarian nationals are banned from entering the country, with the following exceptions:

Hungarian citizens entering the country must also undergo a medical examination, and will be quarantined if they are suspected to carry the virus. If the initial medical examination clears them, they will still be ordered to compulsory home quarantine, unless they have no official residence in Hungary - in that case, they will be isolated at the designated quarantine locations.

Similar restrictions apply to those entering Hungary in freight transport:

They must also undergo medical examinations, and if COVID-19 is not suspected,

If suspected to be infected, foreign freighters must be turned away at the border and Hungarian citizens must be isolated at a designated quarantine location.

The Chief Medical Officer's normative decision also bans students from visiting universities, extending the soon-to-expire ban issued by the government nearly two weeks ago. Find out more about why these bans would be expiring here and here

For our complete English coverage of the epidemiological situation in Hungary, see our file:

(Cover: Cars lining up at the Hungarian border near Nickelsdorf, Austria on 17 March 2020.  Christian Bruna / EPA / MTI)
