Index Vakbarát Hírportál

Another CEO resigns at Index, we know little

2020. június 30., kedd 14:33

For the past 21 years, Index has reported on the most controversial subjects, and in all situations has strived to write about matters of public interest in the simplest and most straightforward way. Now we are faced with the challenge of writing about the most difficult subject of all: Ourselves.

László Bodolai, the chairman of the Foundation for Hungarian Progress that owns Zrt., informed our staff and the rest of Hungarian press at the same time that the new CEO of the company, the recently appointed Zsolt Ződi, has decided to step down effective on 30 June. In the press release, Ződi stated the reason for his departure: "After I familiarised myself with the financial situation of the company, I reached the conclusion that carrying out the necessary changes in such a large organisation is a task way beyond me."

These developments happened above our heads, as staff, we have no say or influence in these matters. We have now seen two CEOs leave in just two weeks, and as of yet, we don't know who will be the next to assume the vacant position. And we don't know what these necessary changes are. But what we do know is this:

We have received hundreds of concerned messages over the past couple of days that show us that what we do and the values we represent are not only important to us, but also to you, our readers. In the meantime, as we are experiencing the biggest crisis the site has ever faced, Index remains the most-read online news source in Hungary according to the public numbers of the industry-standard Gemius Rating.

Even in these circumstances, the staff of Index is working hard to be able to do what we do best, what we love.
