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Öngyilkos lett a depressziósokon segítő lelkész

2019. szeptember 12., csütörtök 09:08

Öngyilkos lett az a harmincéves kaliforniai lelkész, aki feleségével együtt egy depressziósokon segítő programot vezetett. A kétgyermekes, kisegyházban lelkészként dolgozó Jarrid Wilson maga is depresszióban szenvedett, ez nem is volt titok környezete előtt.

Halála előtt nem sokkal egy öngyilkos asszony temetéséről emlékezett meg. „Jézus szeretete nem mindig gyógyít ki az öngyilkos gondolatokból, nem gyógyítja meg minden esetben a depressziót” – idézte tweetjét a BBC.

Wilson aktívan jelen volt a közösségi oldalalkon, Twitter-oldalának 120 ezer követője volt.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

My loving, giving, kind-hearted, encouraging, handsome, hilarious, give the shirt of his back husband went to be with Jesus late last night . No more pain, my jerry, no more struggle. You are made complete and you are finally free. Suicide and depression fed you the worst lies, but you knew the truth of Jesus and I know you’re by his side right this very second . I love you forever, Thomas jarrid Wilson, but I have to say that you being gone has completely ripped my heart out of my chest. You loved me and our boys relentlessly and I am forever grateful that i had YOU as a husband and a father to our boys . You are my forever and I will continue to let other people know of the hope in Jesus you found and spoke so boldly about . Suicide doesn’t get the last word. I won’t let it. You always said “Hope Gets the last word. Jesus gets the last word”. Your life’s work has lead thousands to the feet of Jesus and your boldness to tell other about your struggle with anxiety and depression has helped so many other people feel like they weren’t alone. YOU WERE an ANTHEM OF HOPE to everyone, baby, and I’ll do my best to continue your legacy of love until my last breath . I need you, jare, but you needed Jesus to hold you and I have to be okay with that. You are everything to me. Since the day we met. J & J. Love you more . These are photos of him in his happy place - fishing the day away . I’ll teach our boys all your tricks, babe. Promise. You are my #anthemofhope

Julianne Wilson * (@itsjuliwilson) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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