Van összefüggés a széttetovált barista és a kávézás jövője között
Interjú Takács Péterrel, a Julius Meinl Hungary Kft. ügyvezető igazgatójával.
Interjú Takács Péterrel, a Julius Meinl Hungary Kft. ügyvezető igazgatójával.
Közel jártak, de végül nem buktak le a kétes ügyeket dédelgető hírességek. Kordos Szabolcs elmondja, mi hogyan történt.
The reason for Dull's dismissal was that he made it clear he will not yield to blackmail.
"It was not without reason that Index's staff felt in danger, and it was not without reason that I decided to move our independence barometer," the outgoing editor-in-chief stated.
The new CEO stepped down after only a few days, things happen above our heads, but we know one thing for sure: We want to write the news in peace.
A government decree exempted KESMA, the giant pro-government media conglomerate from prior antitrust examination. The Constitutional Court found nothing wrong.
We still insist on maintaining our editorial independence and keeping our staff untouchable.
Index.hu, the largest news site of Hungary, one of the few remaining independent voices, is in grave danger.
After losing WWI, due to the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary lost 70% of its territory and a third of its ethnic Hungarian population. How does a nation cope with such a shock?
An Iraqi refugee tells about the hardships his family endured while they were unlawfully detained for two years in the Hungarian transit zones.
The European Court of Justice ruled that asylum seekers were unlawfully detained at the Hungarian border for an indefinite time with no chance for judicial review.
From this point forward, the civil registry and official documents will contain the unchangeable "sex at birth" entry instead of "gender."
The project is one of the largest infrastructural developments in Hungarian history.
"We have won the first battle against the pandemic," Viktor Orbán said in his video message announcing lifting the restrictions in the capital.
While restrictions will be relaxed in Pest county and the rest of Hungary starting on Monday, Budapest still has to wait.
While most of the world was caught up in the pandemic, Fidesz went on a legislative spree rarely seen in the Hungarian parliament, settling many long-running political debates practically overnight.
The screening campaign found that only a small portion of the population had contracted the disease, which is not enough for herd immunity.
BMW announced to push the opening of their new plant in Debrecen, Hungary by a year due to the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
The declaration argues that recognising gender-based violence as a form of persecution in asylum cases would endanger Hungarian culture and customs.
The Hungarian government announced the details of how measures taken against the coronavirus will change from 4 May.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that the coronavirus response is ready to enter into phase 2, "together, we can try to reboot life in Hungary."
The epidemic is expected to hit local peak on 3 May, government plans gradual process to roll back restrictions.
The tests will start on 1 May and will be conducted on a representative sample to get a clear picture of the Hungarian epidemiological situation.
The epidemic is expected to peak from 3 May just as high school final exams are scheduled to begin.
The epidemic in Hungary is still going to last months, not weeks, Minister Gergely Gulyás said at the government's weekly press conference.
The government decided to cancel oral exams and introduced safety measures for students taking the written tests in May.
The Ministry of Human Capacities ordered hospitals to make 36 000 beds available, which could cause problems for vulnerable elderly patients.
The Hungarian side of the project is to be carried out by oligarch Lőrinc Mészáros' business interests.
The bill would replace 'gender' in the Hungarian civil registry with the permanent entry of 'gender at birth.'
20 have died of the virus in Hungary, and the government finally released an official infection map.
The government's coronavirus website now lists the age, sex, and pre-existing medical conditions of the victims of COVID-19 in Hungary.
Hungary has taken 13 301 samples but it's unclear how many were tested, Müller says tests have limitations.
The normative decision bans all trains, buses, and planes in passenger traffic from entering Hungary, and affects freighters as well.
Minister Gergely Gulyás also said that lockdown in Hungary is to be implemented "when justified."
Also, six more people have recovered.
Steven Dick is the tenth victim of the coronavirus in Hungary.
Opposition says the bill is a constitutional coup, while Fidesz insists that the necessary guarantees are in place. What is the Coronavirus Bill?
Orbán also said that the actual number of people infected in Hungary is considerably larger than 167, the number of confirmed cases.
All in all, 167 people have tested positive for the coronavirus, 7 have died, and 16 have recovered.
The government's coronavirus task force held their first online press conference and ignored all questions from Index.
Everything you need to know about COVID-19 to prevent getting infected and avoid infecting others.
40 to 60 people were locked together in a small room at the airport after being denied entry into Hungary.
The government decree announcing the major economic relief package was published at midnight on Wednesday, here are the details.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced a number of economic measures to prepare for the imminent effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Prime Minister has made an extraordinary announcement, however, there was no sound.