Junior Prima díjas Gábor Zoltán, az Index újságírója
Immár harmadik egymást követő évben kapja meg szerkesztőségünk egyik tehetsége az elismerést.
Immár harmadik egymást követő évben kapja meg szerkesztőségünk egyik tehetsége az elismerést.
Ez nem csupán a versenyről szól.
Vesztésre áll a hagyományos média az internettel szemben. Egyre többen használják magabiztosan az internetet.
A Fidesz azt állította, hogy Karácsony Gergely főpolgármester a közösségi médiában 30 millió forintot költött hirdetésekre, ennek jelentős részét fővárosi büdzséből. A cáfolat nem váratott magára.
Following the firing of editor-in-chief Szabolcs Dull, the editorial board of Index has resigned, along with more than 70 staff members.
The reason for Dull's dismissal was that he made it clear he will not yield to blackmail.
"It was not without reason that Index's staff felt in danger, and it was not without reason that I decided to move our independence barometer," the outgoing editor-in-chief stated.
The new CEO stepped down after only a few days, things happen above our heads, but we know one thing for sure: We want to write the news in peace.
A government decree exempted KESMA, the giant pro-government media conglomerate from prior antitrust examination. The Constitutional Court found nothing wrong.
We still insist on maintaining our editorial independence and keeping our staff untouchable.
Index.hu, the largest news site of Hungary, one of the few remaining independent voices, is in grave danger.
According to Politico, reporters of Hungarian state media have to ask for permission before covering politically sensitive topics.
They say Hungary is calm as Viktor Orbán protects it from migrants, but chemtrails are becoming an increasing worry.
Though charges were already dropped against our colleague, András Dezső, prosecution appealed the decision on a technicality.
All newly elected members of the Hungarian Media Council were nominated by Fidesz.
The ad-hoc parliamentary committee rejected all candidates of opposition parties, who call the move a "mockery of democracy."
Speaker László Kövér implemented new regulations in the Parliament and in its offices, practically making reports from the Parliament futile.
Prior consultation to make the loan scheme to incentivise childbirth compliant with EU law ends up fueling the government's anti-Brussels campaign.
The leader of Fidesz's parliamentary group specifically named four independent news outlets as the political opponents of the ruling party of Hungary.
A 40-year-old tradition ends as oligarch's company terminates contract overnight and replaces HVG's posters with ads of Fidesz-affiliated tabloid.
Hungarian embassy issues note verbale to Slovenia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanding measures to prevent such an incident from happening again.
After George Soros, the migrants, and Jean-Claude Juncker, the next target of Fidesz's propaganda media was a high school girl from the countryside.
On the fourth anniversary of oligarch Lajos Simicska's fight with Viktor Orbán, his former political daily is back - though this time on Orbán's side.
Watch what Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had to say at Thursday's press conference with English voiceover.
Orbán made good on his promise to answer journalists, but dodged all the important questions.
Index recaps the events of the week as protests against the Overtime Act, the administrative courts, and Fidesz's media are set to continue on Friday
Breaking news - MPs forcefully ejected from public media where they tried to get ongoing protest's demand read live on air.
Index's weekly roundup of international press on Hungary.
Today's government decree qualifies the deal as a "merger of strategic importance at a national level"
In a few hours, the propaganda empire linked to the ruling party Fidesz was placed under control of a single giant umbrella-organisation. Here are the details!
A selection of the week's most relevant articles concerning Hungary from the world's leading news sites.